![re do ligting](/sites/default/files/inline-images/relighting.png)
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--在append tempPos时候并没有分配新的内存给array里的新成员,而是给的reference
tempAreaBoundPntArr = #();
tempPos0 = tempPos1 = tempPos2 = tempPos3 = [0,0,0];
temp_x = 20;
temp_y = 10;
tempPos0.x = temp_x;
tempPos0.y = temp_y;
append tempAreaBoundPntArr tempPos0;
format "tempPos:%\n" tempPos0;
tempPos1.x = temp_x;
tempPos1.y = -temp_y;
append tempAreaBoundPntArr tempPos1;
format "tempPos:%\n" tempPos1;
tempPos2.x = -temp_x;
tempPos2.y = -temp_y;
--a sphere game
scriptStr = "x_pos = (gw.mapCPToWorld (mapScreenToCP mouse.pos)).x\n";
scriptStr += "if x_pos > 146.5 then x = 146.5;\n";
scriptStr += "else \n"
scriptStr += "(\n"
scriptStr += "\tif x_pos < -146.5 then x = -146.5;\n";
scriptStr += "\telse x = x_pos;\n"
scriptStr += ")\n";
scriptStr += "x;";
struct ball(
sphere_Node = GeoSphere radius:10,
pos = [0,0,30],
radius = 10
A diamond shader hacked from a webGL app.
test the algorithm in Max
uniform fixed4 _RefPlan;
v2f vert(appdata_tan v)
float4 vt;
vt = v.vertex;
float4 objectRef = (unity_WorldToObject,_RefPlan);//line258编译通过 模拟器不通过手机通过 = reflect(,normalize(;
1 Float Precision
think performance
low precision in frac() to do some uv effect, after few minutes the image is slow down, uv moving not smooth.
2 RTT Screen Effect
post screen effect
3 Depth Buffer
special effect
4 MatCap
no light good performance